Estate/Property Management in the Hamptons, New York

While performing basic house watching inspections, it is not uncommon to uncover maintenance issues. If we at Chaloners of the Hamptons are unable to personally take care of the issue, then we will organize the best remedy and provide the qualified personnel from our experienced service provider bank.
Property Maintenance Includes:
- Roof Repairs
- Painting Services
- Pressure Washing
- Pest Control
- Plumbing Repairs
- Cesspool Servicing
- Maintenance of Air-Conditioning Units and Boiler System
- Deck and House Cleaning, Staining, and Painting
- Gutter Repair, Cleaning, and Drainage
- Maintenance of Water Filtration System
- Fence Repair and Construction
- Window, Door, and Lock Repair
- Maintenance of Backup Power Generator
- Cleaning Chimney and
Furnace Flutes